Monday, January 28, 2013

"Ice Storm"

Checking the fences after an ice storm often presents scenes like this.

"Yikes !"


The "H" girls are curious about what the boss is doing and follow along.

"Mr. Bill to the rescue"

"One more big limb"

One hour of chainsawing and limb dragging has the fence back in business. The electric net fencing is very forgiving..."takes a licking and keeps on ticking."

Saturday, January 19, 2013

"Snow Days"

Winter has been kind in the gentle hills of Tennessee...until Thursday when a fast moving storm dumped several inches of very wet snow on our ridge and the surrounding valleys. The goats have access to rounds bales but when snow covers the pasture square bales are popped open and spread around.

" I think square bales taste better"

"Don't talk with your mouth full"

"Might you have a biscuit in your pocket?"

"Erma and Emily Ann share a patty"

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Makin' Do

Winter chores have to get done even if the transmission goes out in the farm truck. Square bales need to be delivered to the doelings by what ever method works. Sometimes folks do a double take as they see this go by but it gets the job done.

Happy Girls Enjoy Their Hay