Monday, August 19, 2013


"Going To Appalchian Kiko Invitational ?"
The time has come to make final decisions about who High Meadows will take to the Appalachian Kiko Invitational Sale in September. Choices are made based on pedigree, performance data, parasite resistance, hardiness and conformational correctness. It is hard to decide and there are always personal favorites. "We have to sell some of them" is often  heard during the sale/no sale discussions. Their dams and granddams are still with us and they seem like family.
"These doelings represent years of selective breeding and culling"

"HMK Hermoine... daughter of Erma born 3/22/12" Going to the sale.

"HMK Helen.. daughter of  Ebony born 3/24/12" Going to the sale along with seven other doelings.

Friday, August 9, 2013

"Easy Pickins"

By now most of the easily reached browse is gone and the does must resort to climbing to reach the desirable foilage. Some of the does are really good at climbing and manage to snag limbs while the other does wait and watch hoping to grab a limb pulled down by another doe.
" Careful's a long way down"  

"Frances waits while Flo and Erma climb"

"Erma hopes Flo will share"