Saturday, December 14, 2013


Graduates of "Uncle Sparky School for LGDs"

Badger doing bed checks

Perimeter Patrol
Sam and Badger are three year old large guard dogs who were born and raised at High Meadows. Both are the result of Anatolian and Pyrenees/Anatolian crosses. This past kidding season was the first time they were allowed to be in with expectant does. Both of the boys passed with flying they assisted with the birth process, learned to keep proper distance from moms and resisted the urge to run and play with the newborn kids. Kidding season can be a tricky time for guard dogs and the potential for damage is nerve wracking. These two did well and will be seasoned pros for kidding in 2014. Part of the reason for there success is the presence of "Sparky", a six year old guardian dog, who has been showing them the ropes since they were pups. Maintaining several large guard dogs is expensive but High Meadows has never lost a goat to a four legged predator even though the farm is surrounded by national forest and a bear preserve.

Monday, December 9, 2013

"Appetite For Destruction"

"Why Goats and Fruit Trees Don't Mix"
"Florence and O Henry Share a Tree"
The herd at High Meadows was recently given access to a small fruit tree orchard. The trees had been pretty much given up before there were goats because the black bear, deer and squirrels got most of the apples.  There is a social component to debarking as small groups work together around a single tree. This is an important activity to keep in mind if you plan to do vegetative management for other landowners. Large trees are generally safe but owners should be aware that they will lose small trees in the clearing process.
"Gathering To Debark"

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

"Workin' the Weeds"

"Im sure I saw something moving"

Several killing frosts and a Thanksgiving snow have left the grasses and forbes brown and crispy at High Meadows. Weeds once avoided by the goats seem to have taken on a new flavor and are now being eaten by the doelings. There are fewer places for the meadow mice and cottontails to hide providing momentary diversion for the guard dogs.
"Hmm..this stick weed tastes pretty good"

"O Henry stays on task..breeding season continues"