2012 Doeling Crop |
All of Highmeadows girls are now dispersed to other farms doing vegetative management. Rounds are made every day to check on welfare of does, feed guard dogs and fill water pans.
2011 Does |
Several of our yearling does will be going soon to the Appalachian Kiko Invitational sale in September. Highmeadows is very pleased to offer a few of our "Champagne Ladies" for sale. They are primed and ready for their first dance!
"Working Moms" |
"Goat Train Passes By" |
Our older does are working very hard to recoup after weaning off some very nice kids. The farm where they are working was overgrown with blackberries and honeysucke. This is the third year of rotation to this property and it is beginning to look like a hay field once again.