"Quiet Barn " |
The barn stands silent and grass grows high in the empty barn lot. The play bridge is deserted and the root cellar roof holds no lounging goats. The goal of having most of the goats moved off the farm by weaning time has been reached and now the farm seems empty.
"Buck Wannabees" |
"Empty Playground" |
"Missing his girls" |
The does, worn out from months of "mamma" duty, found themselves in a land of plenty on a distant farm. There were headhigh wads of wonderful forages and acres of fresh forbes to help put meat back on their bones. The newly weaned doelings are in a ridge top meadow with waist high grasses and locust thickets for shade. The only goats at High Meadows are the few bucklings being watched for "buck" potential and our senior bucks in a field far away out of smelling distance. Chores these days consist of making the rounds to other farms to check on water pans, feed guard dogs,check fences and "eyeball" the girls.