The nights are a little cooler and the days a tad shorter here in the gentle hills of Tennessee. At High Meadows the bucks are beginning to wonder where the girls are. They walk the fields with heads held high hoping to catch a glimpse or a scent in the air. The breeding does are far away filling their bellies with late summer browse and napping in the warm September sun. Soon, they too will feel the pull of mother nature and begin to jostle one another and wonder where the boys are. The young does are blissfully unaware of things to come but will soon be swept up in the amazing dance that is fall rut season.
"O Henry" GU2626
"O Henry" is our senior buck and this will be his third breeding season. We were very pleased with his kid crop this year and plan to cross him on the young does as well.
"Wishing and Hoping" |
"I think I smell a girl!" HMK Issac |